Thank You for an Incredible First Playtest: Recap, Winners, and What's Next!
The first playtest of Farcana has been an unforgettable experience with so many incredible gameplay moments!
And it’s all thanks to you – our incredible community. Your feedback, dedication, and contributions have played an instrumental role in shaping the future of Farcana into something truly extraordinary.
Before we dive into the details, we want to express our deepest appreciation for your valuable feedback and patience throughout this journey. Your insights have been invaluable, and we are taking every comment and suggestion to heart as we work towards making Farcana the best it can be.
Now, let's take a moment to celebrate some key stats!
Total Kills: 81,250: The battles were fierce, and the numbers speak for themselves. With each mine lobbed, knife thrown, and rocket launched, you showcased your skills and fought valiantly in the arena.
Stats across top players: 304 Total Wins, 4067 Total Kills.
Most Popular Character: Muaddi!
Now, let's turn our attention to the top winners of our first playtest!

To all our winners, we extend our warmest congratulations! Your dedication, skill, and perseverance have not gone unnoticed.
To check if you’ve won a prize, you can head to our leaderboard which is now fully updated. You can access this by heading to, or clicking this link.
Below we’ve listed the top 3 winners in each category per day, but be sure to check the leaderboard to see where you landed!

For the most wins on Day 4, we had a joint 1st place! Both Raze#6982 and brbrbr#5109 secured 82 wins each!

Didn’t see yourself in the top 50 of any category? Don’t worry!
You might have won our Lucky Loser category, where we randomly picked people each day to win small prizes, so be sure to check!
Over these past few days, we’ve been fully distributing the prizes. Once these are fully distributed, shortly after, you’ll be able to withdraw them.
Looking ahead, we have exciting plans in store for the future of Farcana. Your feedback has been instrumental in guiding us towards meaningful improvements and refinements.
We are actively working on addressing the issues you raised, fixing bugs, and enhancing the overall gameplay experience. Rest assured, we are committed to creating a world that exceeds your expectations.
In the coming weeks, we will be announcing the next phase of Farcana, with discussions of a future playtest and more exciting partnerships to come!
We encourage all players to continue sharing your thoughts and feedback on our Discord community. Your voice is invaluable, and together, we can shape Farcana into the game you've always dreamed of.
Once again, we extend our deepest thanks to each and every one of you. Your passion, dedication, and support have made the first playtest of Farcana an overwhelming success.